Take charge of your wellness through education,
movement training, and lifestyle coaching.
Wellness Programs
I offer wellness studios and corporations conscious about their employees' wellbeing wholistic wellness programs combining education on exercise and nutrition, guided fitness/ movement practices, and coaching activities that allow the participants apply the acquired knowledge with the help of exercises and group discussions. The programs are designed for busy professionals, parents and retired individuals focusing on improving their quality of life through evidence-based knowledge, hands-on (or feet-on) practices, and community support.
Workshop Offerings
It is my pleasure to partner with Ms. Julia Karpeisky, M.A., M.S., MCC, Executive Coach, Facilitator and Author, to offer transformative corporate events targeted at building a sense of purpose, inspiration, and sustained mental, and physical wellness. We use Julia Karpeisky's signature MARC© Method: Movement + Art + Reflection + Community – all set in nature. Together we offer programs lasting as little as 1 hour and as long as several months combining retreats and coaching lead by Julia. More information can be found on https://deepenimpact.com/